Recipe Challenge Day 6: Raw Oreo Cookies

Raw, yeah I know intimidating title isn’t it? Wanted to try this out just because it’s so far out of things I normally make. Get outside that box, well outside those lines you normally always stay in. Time to take on a challenge, what’s the worst that will happen? You don’t like it?  Pretty much that’s it, no matter what you learn through the experience , you gain something even if you don’t happen to like the challenge, but in this case- HELLO- COOKIES! You will like it!  

Cookie time- 
 This does take time , the dough must be dehydrated for about 16 hours,  but I’m telling you- The cookies are worth it. The only slight downfall to this entire cookie is- You may or may not have the ingredients in the cupboard. I happened to have them because they are already in great use constantly so I had them on hand.  Easy to find at the store though so don’t start turning away from this recipe just yet. The cookies are worth it, so let’s get to the fun part! 



Cookie dough Ingredients

1 1/2 cups almond meal
1/2 cup cacao powder
1/4 cup raw agave nectar * I used honey I don’t have agave
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp salt

Cream Filling Ingredients

1/2 cup coconut butter
2 tbsp raw agave nectar * used honey again
1/2 tsp vanilla extract


Cookie dough: Blending  together almond meal, cocoa powder, salt until well mixed agave and vanilla . Blend it in the food processor until it comes together. When it’s blended form into a ball. Take two pieces of parchment paper and place the dough in between. Roll the dough out to about a 1/4″ thickness. Chill the flattened dough for 30 minutes before cutting.
Once you’ve cut them all out on dehydrator sheet in the dehydrator. Let it run for 16 hours on 110.

Make the filling when the cookies when the dough is finished.

Mix together with a mixer the coconut butter agave and vanilla. Assemble by taking a small spoonful and spreading it on one cookie, the sandwiching another on-top. Once finished try not to eat them all and whatever is left over store in the fridge in a airtight container.

I may have eaten several of these if not a handful. Taste testing you know, someone has to do it.  My kids adored these so much as well. The recipe was found through Pinterest, you can find the original posted here




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