Recipe Challenge: Day 6 – Sage Turkey Meat Loaves

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These mini meatloaves are fun for kids , perfect serving size for them. Quick to put together, and quick to cook for a busy night!

3 out of 4 of my kids didn’t like the gravy, I loved it though! Went well the taste of apples in the turkey.

Found this recipe flipping through a Cooking Light magazine a year or so ago, and never got around to making it.

Ingredients For Sage Turkey  Meatloaves

1 1/2 pounds ground turkey
1 cup shredded peeled apple
1/2 cup dry breadcrumbs
2 tablespoons minced fresh sage
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
cooking spray

Ingredients for Onion and Cider Gravy

1 tablespoon butter
1 large sweet onion vertically sliced
1 cup apple cider
1 cup chicken broth
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon water
1//4 teaspoon salt

Directions for Sage Turkey Meatloaves

Preheat oven to 425F  Spray a broiler pan with cooking oil.
Combine the ingredients together in a large bowl and mix up. Divide the mixture into equal portions shaping each . This recipe will make 6 oval shaped meat loaves. Place loaves on a coated broiler pan and cook at 425 for 25 minutes or until the thermometer reads 165.
While these are cooking get the gravy together

Directions for Onion and Cider Gravy

Melt butter in a large pan over med. high head. Add onion and cook stirring frequently about 10 minutes or until golden brown.
 While onion cooks bring the cider and broth into a pan and boil. Boil until the mixture reduced to about 1 cup (about 25 minutes or so) Combine cornstarch water and salt, add it to the cider mixture and stir constantly.
 Cook over med. head until the mixture thickens, takes only a few minutes. Stir in the onion. Serve with Sage Turkey meatloaves and enjoy!

I cooked the gravy in one pan, after cooking the onion I simply took it out set it aside and worked with the cider mixture. This way only one pan is used, less clean up ! 🙂

Enjoy!  Missed the other days of the challenge? Click here !



  • Beeb

    I was just talking about how much I like to cook with turkey! Turkey meatloaf if a favorite of mine to cook. This looks like a great variation!

  • Samantha

    sage is not my fav- but ian loves it

  • Mahina and Lucas

    Yum! That looks good! I found you from the "I Love My Online Friends" Blog hop. Hope you can visit my blog at

  • Tami Marie

    Hey Melanie, it's been such a long time. Missed coming on here and seeing what you've been up to. I had to take a break from blogging as I had to concentrate on work and school. I've gotten things sorted now though, so I'm back to my favourite hobby of all. 🙂

    Hope things are great with you. Will send an email.

    Will be around more often again.


  • Grace

    I love sage. Now start posting some Tofu recipes woman!

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