Remodeling Nightmares

Perhaps nightmares is being harsh, but this remodel and move has been stressful and chaotic left and right. We are behind in so many ways, but progress has been being made.
Our floors are finally done, and after a major ( major!) Trouble with Lowe’s Paint department we finally got the painting done. The problem was we finished painting and a portion needed to be re-textured, you re-texture you have to re-paint. So we needed more paint at this point. When we went back to get the same paint, what we were given was a different shade, we didn’t notice until we had one wall painted a completely different shade. Thus the battle began. One paint can after another different shade, re-painting.
It got to me.
It would get to anyone really, it’s not just money we had to put forth past our budget for paint , but our time. Do you know how long it takes to paint yourself? We are doing the entire remodeling ourselves! The painting was supposed to be done before the floor, before carpet, it wasn’t. We planned on just being able to go at it while the floors were torn up, no problem if paint got to the ground. Instead we had carpet and brand new floor to cover up. It just became a time consuming nightmare. We dealt with it, but still, an added stress that wasn’t welcomed.
The deal behind the paint was someone there upgraded apparently our paint, a huge difference between base 1 and base 2 which they said and I quote “It’s guaranteed to match, it will match, there will be no problem ”
Picture speaks for itself. Beyond the paint things have gone with little hiccups, ones we can handle of course. Take it in stride. We are halfway moved pretty much, move more each day, so at least things are still progressing.
I have a project on my hands I have to attack and I’m not so sure I can do it. Take a look at this
Yeah. Anyone want to help?!
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