An overload of fruit!

My husbands friend gives us about seven or eight bags of pink grape fruit and lemons during the summer. It fills our dinning room table enough that I give up trying to find space for them all. Even after he brings half to work, we’re still left with so much I don’t know what to do with them. A normal person would make them into juice, but that skipped my mind all together. I sliced the grapefruit and dropped them into tea, sliced the lemons for baking with fish and chicken,salads and squeezed all the juice I could out for other odds and ends. We ate a lot of the pink grapefruit on the hot days, just squeezed until the juice came pouring out as if it was the very last liquid we’d ever get. Let me tell you when the temperature hit 107 that pink grapefruit did seem like the very last juice on earth! We still have bowls of it, and I want to see if I can make something out of them.
As for the lemons, we were down to the last few the other day. Finally, no more lemons crowding my tables. We baked one lemon with Salmon that someone caught on a fishing trip.
Living on Love and Cents
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I had lemons too and I juiced them but saved the extracted peels and juice so I'm going to make your recipe. I can hardly wait.
I once made a grapefruit cake — it had really nice flavor, and might be another way to use up the grapefruit!