Sourdough Bread

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My daughter and I have been enjoying our adventures in making sourdough starter, and using it. We’ve made hamburger buns, dinner rolls, cinnamon rolls, French bread, sandwich bread, and sourdough ! This Sourdough Bread is by far our absolute favorite, so much so that I’m putting a second Dutch oven on my wish list so we can make TWO at once instead of one. Yes we love our bread. 

After trying several different recipes, we came down to this one for it’s simplistic way about it. It’s a mixture of a few put together, and comes down honestly to time.  In total time it takes about 13 hours, most of this is thankfully just rising , but it’s a bread you must plan to set aside time for. It needs active sourdough starter that was fed at least 6hrs before hand. We feed our starter in the morning and then start this dough at night, so we can have it the next day. Again, most the time is rising, but it’s worth it. If you aren’t used to making bread, I probably would not start with this one as you need to know how to fold and stretch the dough, as well as kneading, and it takes practice to know what the dough feels like. 

I hope you enjoy! 




Enjoy Life

Never, Ever underestimate the importance of having FUN – Randy Pausch

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