To be lazy again..

Sundays are meant to be lazy. Alright, My Sunday’s are meant to be lazy. They never are though. Every week I keep saying the same thing, and every week there I am doing everything. My kids wake up super early after going to bed still running circles around me, which if you think about is pretty darn amazing to accomplish.
They are still too young to even have the foggiest idea what sleeping in means, or better yet what weekends are meant to be like. Lazy. Do nothing. Sleeping in. They instead, wake up on the dot same time everyday, argue in the first seven minutes and require four different kinds of cereal. That all in turn makes a huge mess, as always.
I love them, of course with all my heart, and I’m sure in a few more years when they are the ones begging me to let them sleep in, I’ll miss this craziness. For now though, I strive for some sort of “lazy” part of my day. Oh to be a lazy little kid again We all dream of that don’t we?
This dish speaks lazy, and comes out wonderfully every time. With warm sun ripened tomatoes from the garden and fresh mozzarella cheese you have a beautiful side dish to any meal. This was first served at Christmas several years ago, since then, it’s been demanded on every Sunday as well as all holidays.
Enjoy a lazy Sunday !
Oh, I so long for a lazy Sunday again! Your newest follower from MBC! Come check me out when you can. -
This does look like a great side dish and we love tomatoes so should be a hit at our house.
Grace -
Hi hun,
How are you doing?? Came by to tell you that the Spotlight is up. See your blog button on the Spotlight section of TTWFI.
Congrats and thanks for being super cool.
Random Recycling
Yummy! Love a little mozzarella and tomato salad. Now following f/ MBC.
~Emily @RandomRecycling