Weekend Recap – A bit of Everything

Weekend recaps are normally updates on the garden and maybe a project or even a new recipe I did. It was a tad crazier than normal around here, with a birthday on Saturday, so a lot more was going on.
I finally finished my first real sewing project other than fixing holes in jeans and socks. I made a Jean Purse for my daughter, which she just adored!

I ended up not using the many tutorials that I had found online, but it’s pretty close to them.
My kids were always playing on the computer so I had to look up directions on my phone which didn’t always give me picture to look at. Or I was interrupted so many times concentrating on the directions was impossible. In the end I just went with what I thought would look good, thankfully it came together!

My husband finished building a Jewelry box as well which she is still carrying around and won’t let anyone touch. I was lucky to get a picture of it after it was filled with her hair stuff. 🙂 She is such a girly girl, so I know this will be treasured for years to come.

 The other week I mentioned how there’s been plants shooting up all over the place, well, the most strangest thing ever is, I didn’t even have this kind of squash seed . I planted the ones I grew last year. It’s a nice surprise, but it’s also making me wonder if the seeds I harvest this year will do the same next year. I should label them “Mix and Mingled” As that’s what they seem to do on their own, mingling among themselves to make new seeds. I’d better be careful giving out seeds to friends as well, they may end up with an odd mix they weren’t ready for!

Picked my carrots this weekend!

Planted some more as well, now is the time to start your fall garden. I’m also planting plenty of greens, Collards, more Mustard, some Kale even. Lettuce, Beans and Peas as well. Not sure what else right now, have to wait till I thin out the squash and make the room. 

Last but not forgotten, my Sunflowers have made it 🙂


1 Comment

  • Samantha

    looks like you had a fun weekend! carrots look good, LOL, and the purse is adorable! how old is your daughter?

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