Weekend Recap- Easy Berry Ice pops

It’s been super busy around here!
 The garden is just starting to burst with green everywhere, and suddenly red too. My Scarlet Beans are showing their red , which will soon turn into a a huge show of red flowers.

The strawberries are being picked each morning, which makes a great breakfast treat before school,As well as afternoon snacks on hot days.

 I made some berry ice pops this weekend. Our local farms are fully loaded as well so it’s easy to come by berries this time of year, so with my garden and the berries on sale, it’s a great time to make a bunch of pops!
These are strawberries and raspberries and then I ran out of strawberries, the middle is with added blueberries. 🙂
2 cups yogurt (I used plain but you can use any you want)
2 cups fresh fruit cut if needed and washed
Puree the fruit in a blender and then mix in yogurt. Pour into ice pop molds,(or even plastic cups) Freeze over night!


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