Weekend Recap-Garden

It’s been raining pretty much for days . You would think that June brings the heat, but not around here. The heat will hit in just a few short weeks and stay well into the Fall, but I can’t help but cross my fingers it’ll be here a little sooner. Some of my plants need the heat to thrive and it drives me batty at times not seeing them grow as they should.
  All is well though, the garden is growing strong yet slowly. Not sure if I’ll have any sunflowers this year as the Squirrels and Birds have picked them right out of the ground too many times they seem to be all gone. Maybe one or two will pop out and be left, who knows!
It’s a minor loss and although I do really enjoy the briillent tall colors of the sunflowers the rest of the graden is most important.If all goes well *knock on wood* it will produce enough to can with again.  I have been picking some vegtetables already, zucchini is coming in, same with more berries,  mustard and salad greens as well. I can’t wait for the peas and beans though 🙂


This is the Beans and Pea project, coming along nicely! Reds are beans, the other half is peas. 
Zucchini, which is a must to make into bread!

Hey Peas!

Mustard Greens, so yummy! The holes were made by snails. With all this rain, they’ve gotten past most my barriers, and the beer pan I put out was washed away.  As soon as it dries up more I can keep them out better and they can stop eating my food!


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