White Bean & Ham Soup

My White Beans with Spinach & Sausage recipe has gotten such a huge response the last few years and is still going strong till this day, but I thought that it was time to add a new similar soup to the board.  

It’s funny, that soup was a throw together, literally just tossed things into a pot and heated it up. Often times that’s how my recipes come about, so it’s even better when it becomes a huge hit not just with my family but others. Keeping with traditions and throwing it all together I’ve put come up with a new white bean soup. A great addition to the table during the cold season. 



White Bean soup with Ham and Spinach
Yields 12
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Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
4 hr
Total Time
4 hr 30 min
Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
4 hr
Total Time
4 hr 30 min
  1. 1 lb cooked ham ( leftover are great) cut into chunks
  2. 4 large tomatoes cut into chunks
  3. 2 lbs dried white beans ( cooked and rinsed)
  4. 1 large onion cut into chunks
  5. 2 stalks celery chipped small
  6. 4 cups vegetable broth or chicken
  7. 2 minced cloves of garlic.
  8. 4 cups of chopped mustard green leaves
  9. salt and pepper to taste
  1. Soak beans over night, I simply boil water in a large pot, pour beans in cover and let it sit till morning.
  2. Rinse the beans and pour into a large pot. Pour in the 4 cups vegetable broth or the chicken broth, add in water to cover the beans about half an inch. Cook no medium high head for an hour, turning down a little if it reached a boil. Pour in the cut onions, celery and ham. Stir again, sprinkle the pepper and cook on medium for about 2 hours , stirring once in awhile. If it reaches a boil turn it down a bit but keep a steady heat going. You are in hour three, check beans to see how tender they are, should be tender by now, add in the chunks of tomato along with the chopped mustard leaves, and if needed more water to keep beans just barely covered. Cook another hour or until the beans are tender.
  1. This can be cooked in the slow cooker easily, simply dump it all in but the tomatoes until the last hour ( so they stay fairly chunky) as well as the mustard leaves. Cook on med-low for 6 hours. Mustard leaves are almost a flash steam cooking leaf, they aren't as thick as collards so they don't need a long cooking times.
It's My Side of Life https://itsmysideoflife.com/

Looking for some other awesome recipes to bring to the table this month? Check out our Progressive Link Up.
11817222_10155945682030451_2114913177044627628_n Each month myself along with  the other Progressive Meal Hostesses at Blessed Elements,  Simply Southern Mom, A Southern Celiac, Rural Mom and Two Boys One Girl and A Crazy Mom link up delicious recipes and offer a chance to link up your favorite recipes for the season! Find some new keepers or add on your own, but don’t forget to visit everyone and check out what’s on the table! We pin and even tweet recipes you add on, so if you’d like to join, what are you waiting for? Time to link up! 



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