Zucchini Mushroom Frittata

My garden is bursting with zucchini, I could almost say I don’t know what to do with it all. Almost- see I love when this happens. Having so much on my hands I need to come up with new fun recipes to b able to use it all up. It’s the best time of the growing season honestly, and it’s only the squash that’s lining up left and right so far! The rest will follow soon enough, but for now I’m dealing with the squash and zucchini. 

SqushZini! I cross bred Squash and Zucchini :)

SqushZini! I cross bred squash and Zucchini 🙂

This Frittata is really simple to make and can be a quick breakfast, brunch, side dish against a salad. It’s not a heavy meal but can easily make a nice light one on hot days when you really don’t feel like eating much. Packed full of vegetables you can add pretty much whatever is on hand. Frittata is not quiche, both requires eggs and meat, or vegetables plus addition of cheese but quiche is more of a custard base than anything. Quiche usually asks for milk or heavy cream that’s where it gets the richness from it.  Frittata isn’t as creamy or custard like and has no crust like quiche. I like them both but Frittata in this house wins hands down for it’s versatility on to the recipe-  

Make it in under 30 minutes!

I added sliced peppers and onions on top of this once it was in the pan. Cooked up really nicely!

I added sliced peppers and onions on top of this once it was in the pan. Cooked up really nicely!

Are you a Frittata or Quiche Fan? 



  • addi ganley

    Yum! This looks so good. I love zucchini and mushrooms. I think I would also like to add some artichoke hearts like you suggested. This will be my lunch one day this week. Or maybe dinner with some salad and wine.

    • Melanie

      I’ve had it for dinner many times. hot days, no one is really hungry but we need something- artichoke hearts are amazing on it!

  • April @ Everyday Fitness and Nutrition

    Yum! I love all things zucchini. I even use it in baking from time to time since it’s so moist.

  • Paula Schuck

    Yummm sounds like a perfect combination for a frittata! I can imagine the fresh vegetables make all the difference in taste. Delicious!

  • Lisa Rios

    This one looks very much delicious. I never tried this kind of mushroom recipe before. The recipe looks easy to prepare & sounds very much healthy as well. I am sure my husband is going to love this one. Will definitely try this out for this weekend.

  • Jennifer Williams

    I am jealous, my zucchini did not make it this year. That looks so good and is something I can have on my eating plan – I will definitely be giving this a try.

  • Babita

    I have harvested a squash from my garden. I am wondering if I could use it in your recipe. You recipe does look tempting.

  • Megan @ C'mon Get Crafty

    I want to eat this page. All of your photos are so amazing and everything looks so delicious! I’m going to fill up my Pinterest food boards from here!

  • April G

    Sounds like I have to get out my slicer. I love a good frittata. I could do this.

  • Gingermommy

    No shortage of zucchini here! This recipe looks really yummy

  • Dogvills

    That looks so delicious! I like making frittata for breakfast.

  • Pam

    Now this is something that I would not be able to stop munching on. It looks so good. For breakfast would be good but these would make great appetizers for any dinner party.

  • Ann Bacciaglia

    Wow this Zucchini Mushroom Frittata looks so delicious. I would love to try this recipe. I am sure my kids will love it.

  • Carlee C

    That looks so GOOD! I need you to come to my house and cook for me (joking aside). I would love to incorporate more zucchini in to foods for my family.

  • Jamie

    YUM – that looks amazing!! Have some extra zucchini from a neighbor’s garden right now – might just have to try this! 🙂

  • Theresa

    Mmm! This looks so good! My husband’s friend just gave us a really huge zucchini. I’ll have plenty left over to try this recipe!

  • Amber NElson

    This sounds really good and healthy! I love zucchini!

  • Amanda Ripsam

    I love zucchini and mushrooms but I would have to swap the mushrooms out for something else because my 8 year old will not go near the mushrooms but wow that frittata looks great.

  • Liz Mays

    This would be such a fun recipe to make with my daughter. I love frittata and those veggies sound great!

  • Robin (Masshole Mommy)

    I always wonder what to do with zucchini. Thanks for the new idea. It looks really tasty.

  • Jeanine

    Wow. That looks and sounds just incredible. I would LOVE to try this. Totally up my alley!

  • Michele

    I have never tried to actually make a frittata but have eaten them and do like them–I also happen to like quiche but haven’t tried to make that either! This doesn’t sound so hard to make–hum–maybe I will attempt it.

  • Kristen from The Road to Domestication

    My goodness, this looks to-die for! And what a nice combination of flavors!

  • Pam W

    This sounds really yummy! I love frittata, but I haven’t made it in a while.

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