Being Present

This weekend I had my first class meeting for the 80hr Somatic Yoga Teacher Training Course I’m taking.  Like every other first day in a classroom, it was a lot of getting to know each other and what to expect with the course. While I was a little nervous, my excitement was much greater. Funny thing, I excitedly told my kids about ” we even get homework!” every one of them felt bad for me as if it were a bad thing! It was funny, I actaully like homework, and it’s the best homework – we pick a book to read and study! (fyi I love books) I have two of the books on the list we were given already and I’ll most likely talk about them in later weeks.

As we were getting to know everyone in the group, and we will learn even more as the class goes on, the most humbling thing for me was hearing everyone’s reason of why they joined.

I always tell my kids, if you’re thinking it, ten to one, someone else around you is thinking the same thing, and as I listened to my peers, this very thought was confirmed. As they were telling their story I was right with them, nodding, agreeing, feeling it in my heart. We were all connected by our similar reasons, yet we didn’t even know each other. The connection I felt in that moment turned into an ah-ha moment because before the class started, and as the class started I felt a little anxious, wondered if I’d fit it, yet there was no need to be nervous or anxious about anything, they, like me were having their very first day right along with me! 

So today’s message is,  Be Present. Be in the Now. Our thoughts can go all over the place, and so fast if we aren’t aware of them. The idea of being present, be in the Now, is simply focusing on what is actaully happening within your immediate circle.

What is the task at hand? Whether you are eating, or writing, talking on the phone- be present in the task of the food, be present with what you are writing, be present with the conversation you are having. Just simply be in that moment that is happening. If your thoughts are jumping to what will you have for dinner when you’re trying to listen to someone speak, you will not hear the words the person is saying, instead you are hours ahead with thoughts of something that hasn’t happened. The moment I realized that I’m not the only person having their first day in the course, I relaxed and stayed present, instead of letting my thoughts take me somewhere else.

That’s Being Present. When you can let go of thoughts about the past, or the thoughts of the furture you relax. There is no guilt/regret/sadness about yesterday, or fear/anxiety/worry about tomorrow, just the beautiful moment that you are in NOW.

I encourage you this week to practice Being Present. Whenever you find that your thoughts are going off the task at hand, pull yourself back in.  Take a few slow deep breaths and take a look at your surroundings. Start bringing your awareness back into the present moment and to what you are doing. I tell my kids start simple, take in colors you see, scents you smell, sounds you hear. Work your way up from your senses to the task. As you go through your senses, and then re-focus on what you were doing, perhaps washing the dishes, or folding laundry, reading a book, you have regained your NOW. Your thoughts are not on the past, or future events, but what is NOW. During this time you will slowly start relaxing, your body will relax, your mind, and whatever emotions were stirred up will calm. Take a few more slow deep breaths and then continue with the day. The more you practice the better you get and soon you will find yourself always living fully in the present moment, fully, with gratitude for everything that moment brings you. 

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week, and enjoy being more present. I’m looking forward to my next class and sharing my experiences with you. If you’d like to check out the Somatic Yoga Teacher Training course you can head on over here

Be Here Now

“Mindfulness helps you go home to the present. And Every time you go there and recognize a condition of happiness that you have, happiness comes. ” – Thich Nhat Hanh


  • Daisy

    I love this! I am going to focus on being more present this week after reading this!

  • Barbara

    Being in the present is so important! And a constant struggle, isn’t it? I love taking walks this time of year to calm my mind and experience the season. It sets the tone for the entire day.

    • Melanie

      I am so glad you enjoy your walks! Being out in nature is always a great grounding experience 🙂

  • Linda Kinsman

    Great insights on this subject as we enter “the busiest” time of the year. I do my best to stay rooted and connected to the moment at hand, which can be challenging at times.

  • Grace Hodgin

    I agree with your words of wisdom and am so happy for you that you are getting to experience this class.

  • Jamie

    Great insight!!! We all need to sometimes just take a minute and enjoy life. We are always prepping for something, thinking of the future, and sometimes we just miss what’s right in front of us. I love this post!

  • HeidiBee

    Such great advice, I think we can all benefit by being more present and enjoying life with our families.

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