Booker Dead Heat -Book Tour


A new breed of killer has hit Dallas. The victims? They bleed blue. And the brotherhood is calling in the cavalry: one Booker T. Adams, PI.

Excommunicated from the Dallas Police Department for refusing to overlook conduct unbefitting an officer, Booker has every reason to slam the door shut when the chief pleads for his assistance. But Booker can’t turn his back on the community he’s always felt drawn to protect, even if it means getting in bed with someone who tried to ruin his life.

As pandemonium floods the city from the inside out, Booker chases an invisible plague. He can’t stop what he can’t see. And then the unthinkable happens. Another killing…and this one guts him.

Driven by an eternal camaraderie he’d once shared with his long-time partner, Booker shifts into overdrive to end this sinister game, some sort of sick vigilante justice.

A vengeful fury of his own takes hold. And the damned can hear him coming.


My Review 

Booker Dead Heat is the latest and 6th, book in the P.I. Series by John. W. Mefford. A great mystery, suspenseful crime read that still leaves you guessing nearly to the last page, such a page turner! You can read each book alone, but they just get better with each new book so I highly recommend picking the first few up and enjoying them! There’s intense depth within the books, characters are so well written you get a great feel of them each. Mefford does an amazing job setting the scene and it can be chilling at times. If you enjoy great crime books, this is a really great series you need to keep a look out for ! 

Dead Heat – 

Someone is targeting and killing off police in Dallas, and everyone’s looking at each other for answers. With no real end in sight to these violent killings , and the Chief of Police turns to former cop turned P.I. Booker for help. Booker has plenty of reasons not too, but as always he’s pulled to help and protect. He’s not out for personal gain, or even recognition, he is drawn to protect and for that he really can’t turn his back on anyone in need even if he doesn’t trust half of them. 

Danger and trouble seem to be Bookers middle names, as no matter where he turns danger is lurking and there’s no moment of action he seems to miss. With his eyes and ears open Booker takes on the case knowing it won’t be easy in anyway, but that never stopped him before and certainly won’t now. Why are cops being targeted? There had to be a reason, was it the police force in general someone was against or were they trying to target certain ones over a case that didn’t go their way? If a case, among the hundreds that it could be what is this murderer after? With each small lead Booker seems to follow, the more complex and chilling the case gets and even hits way too close to home.  Will he be able to figure out who’s targeting his former cop community or will cops keep showing up dead keeping Dallas in fear and in constant worry ? You’ll have to read the latest installment of the Booker series to find out! Enjoy a great suspense read full of darkening twists that leave you on the edge of your seat! 


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About the Author

A veteran of the corporate wars, former journalist, and true studier of human and social behavior, best-selling author John W. Mefford has been writing novels since he first entered the work force twenty-five years ago, although he never put words on paper until late 2009.

John writes novels full of intrigue, suspense, and thrills, but they also evoke an emotional connection with the characters.

When he’s not writing, he chases three kids around, slaves away in the yard, reads, takes in as many sports as time allows, watches all sorts of movies, and continues to make mental notes of people and societies across the land.

John lives in Frisco, Texas with his beautiful wife, three opinionated kids, and a feisty fat cat who rules the world.

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I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.
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