Crock-Pot Recipe Challenge Day 22: Pork and Beans

Pork and beans! My kids love beans and it always feeds a crowd . If I’m lucky there’s left overs for lunch the next day. This is really easy to make and it’s great for cold days. You can make this as a meal or have it on the side of something. It goes well with a pot roast. I did find this to be “soupy” and thickened it a little with starch, so the next time I make it I may not use as much as much water.


3 -4 cups raw dried navy beans, cover with
8 -12 cups cold water, and soak overnight
3 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon molasses or 1 tablespoon corn syrup
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 cups ketchup
3 cups water
1/4-1/2 lb bacon, slices raw

Make sure you soaked the beans over night. Rinse them out and add them into the slow cooker.  Add enough hot water to cover the beans by about an inch.  Add remainder ingredients and cover . Cook about 7-8 hours on medium. Beans should be tender when finished.


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