Did you Know Tuesday- HA ha Look!

You all thought I was crazy when I posted that Pickle Juice post, but look here, look what a popular food magazine just put out.

 This was taken on my phone, sorry for bad shot. This is in the September Issue of Foot Network, saying Don’t Toss the Juice!

See? I’m not crazy, 🙂 I saw this at the checkout stand and just started flipping through pages, when I saw the pickle jar I about burst out in laughter! The checkout lady gave me a look, my kids looked at me funny, and no one understood why it was I found is so funny. But you see? I’m not the only one that thinks pickle juice is worth saving. (you can check my post out here)

 I wish it had come with recipes, it doesn’t say much though, it reads that drinking pickle juice relieves muscle cramps faster than drinking water. Good to know, but I will still use it in recipes!

I don’t normally pick up magazines and buy them, but this looked like a good issue. It also, oddly enough has a recipe for Zucchini Fritters , but instead of just the Zucchini Like I made it uses corn so it’s a Zucchini Corn Fritter. Very yuummy looking! There’s several other good recipes in this issue, along with odd peanut butter and jelly recipes, including Jam Cake with Peanut Streusel. There’s also a good “Yes vs No” on frying foods, which…is interesting to say the very least. Guess what made the list? I bet you’d never think of frying it either!

It’s Cheesy.

It’s a childhood comfort food.

It’s Noddle fun.

It’s Mac and Cheese!  Another few I never thought of were, a PB&J sandwich , Poached eggs, mini muffins, and mashed Potatoes. Now don’t get me wrong, I like a fried food once in a great while, but ….mashed potatoes? Poached egg? Cheesy noddles? 

Their “No Fry” list had obvious ones, Watermelon, gumdrops, marshmallows , Liver worst , lettuce..A Baked Potatoe (guess you need to mash it to fry it!) There’s several others, on both lists, but it was an interesting read.

I got a major kick out of Food Networks September issue, so if you see it in the stores, pick it up and flip through it to see what’s in there, and before you put it down, check out the 50 things to make with Bacon (pull out booklet in the middle). That’ll make you hungry, so make sure you pick up bacon while you are at  the store!

Anything ever grab your attention at the check out and you couldn’t pass it up?



  • Samantha

    that's so funny!

  • SocialStudiesSoubrette

    Okay, I love pickle juice too but I also used to drink vinegar when I was a kid. I've always been a dill kind of gal.

    Those little recipe books from taste of home are a major impulse buy for me. I love them but I never use them once I get them. They are fun to read though!

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