Do Mindfulness Meditation Anywhere

There are many different types of meditation but the same basic steps are required for each. It’s slowing down, taking time to focus back on yourself from the inside out, some meditation types focus solely on breathing, or going through your senses to reconnect with yourself , or even visualizing letting go of thoughts. Some people time their sessions others just go through the basic steps until they feel centered again . No matter which type or even how long you do it, meditation should be added into your daily routine. Meditation has healing benefits for not just your mental health, but spiritually, physically,  and emotionally health. I have been teaching my kids Mindfulness Meditation for awhile as it’s pretty simple and can be done several different ways. 

So what is Mindfulness? 

Mindfulness is a type of mediation and it doesn’t have to be a 5 minute, or 15 minute sessions. Mindfulness can be done anytime, anywhere specifically while you are doing a task.  Being mindful is simply being aware in the present moment fully, without any judgment. I often say Be In the Now, or just Simply Be. 

Have you ever had such a busy day where you are doing one task but thinking about another thing? Or you’ve had a very busy day and sit down to dinner with a mind full of what happened throughout the day? Well if you have- you are not being mindful in those moments.

Here are a few examples of Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness Eating

Mindfulness is eating dinner, and being aware of your movements. You are aware of the utensil in your hand, the food on it, the smell of it, the taste of the food once you take a bite. There is no lingering stress of traffic from that morning or how the internet wasn’t working earlier- all your focus is on the simple task of eating. Enjoying each bite, enjoying whatever your are drinking with dinner. 

Mindfulness Walking 

While you are out for a walk, even as crazy as the day is , or how things are moving fast around you, while you walk your focus is on your feet touching the ground. Is the ground hard, or soft? Cold or hot? Notice how the sun is touching your skin. The smell of your surroundings, the sounds that you hear, look at all the different colors that are around you.  Instead of thinking of a million things, your focus is only on what is truly happening to you right in that moment and everything else fades away. 

Mindfulness Shower 

A mindfulness shower is a great way to end or even begin the day. Have a deadline at work coming up and you can’t sleep? End your day with a mindfulness shower, focus on how the water feels as it hits your skin, how it’s warm ( or cold) , how the soap smells , how the soap even feels against your skin as you wash, and how it feels as it’s washing away. There should be no thoughts happening other than enjoying the senses around you. Start the day the same way to gain some balance.

Mindfulness Breathing

 Mindfulness breathing can bring you back to the moment in the middle of any stressful day. Simply find a quiet spot , shut your eyes and focus solely on your breathing. Say to yourself very slowly as you breath, ” This is me breathing in, this is me breathing out.” While you breath slowly in, you are feeling the air fill your lungs, and how it leaves your lungs. You can put your hand to you chest and feel the air lifting your lungs and leaving. You stop when you feel calm once again. I often use this method when the kids are getting upset at each other, or homework is really frustrating them. When they are calm and feel more centered they go back at the task at hand and 9 out of 10 times have been able to conquer the task without anymore issues. 

It can be challenging at first  as, let’s face it,  these days everyone is going a mile a minute and it seems as if nothing ever slows down. The fact is though, we choose to see it that way. Slow down and enjoy the moment you are in, for all that it is and feel the benefits of how mindfulness can change your life. 

Do you Meditate? Do you have any tips you want to share? Would love to hear from you!  

Meditation stills the wandering mind and establishes us forever in a state of peace -Muktananda



  • Farrah (@newnaturalmom)

    I need to work on quieting my mind when I meditate and read my Bible. I get distracted easily.

  • Toughcookiemommy

    Meditation is so important in the stressful and turbulent times that we live in. It’s definitely worth exploring.

  • Julie @ Running in a Skirt

    I need to work on this more! Such an important message and very worthwhile thing to do. Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Jeanine

    I’ve never meditated before. Sounds like it could be very worthwhile though. I would love to give it a try, and see if I can do it.

  • Marie Altenor

    I never meditate, never even heard of mindfulness. After reading realize that it’s very true that my mind is never on the tasks at hand. I going to try this type of meditation next time I eat or shower.

  • Valerie Gray (@valmg)

    I don’t meditate but I do start my day with coffee and 15 minutes of quiet. Mindfulness could be useful to practice in eating and other things too.

  • Alicia

    I have never actually meditated before, but it sounds relaxing for sure. I know of friends though who do and they like it and find it helpful.

  • nlampert

    I really believe in meditation, although I’m still not very good at it at all! I have a few apps on my phone and I try and do a guided meditation before bed every day, but I really like the idea of incorporating it into all aspects of life

  • Neely Moldovan (@Neelykins)

    Oh gosh I love meditating. I started doing it in January and its been so helpful!

  • Scott

    I’ve never meditated officially. Thought about it, but really think it’s not for me. Just doesn’t fit my personality.

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