Fluffy Roll Bread

The other day I wasn’t really in the mood for rolls but there’s a great dinner roll recipe the entire family loves. Light, fluffy, perfect for just about anything and it’s easy to make. The idea came to me on a whim to just make the rolls but not cut them into roll portions, simply cut it in half to make two loaves. It was a 50/50 shot, as I just wasn’t sure how it would turn out. 

Everything seemed to be going fine, it rose well in the pans, but once put into the oven it dropped just a tad and got brown too fast. A little foil over the top until it was done finished it off.

We let it cool and holy bread loaves it was awesome! Fluffy just like the rolls and so tasty. This isn’t bread for sandwich making and not a good idea for the toaster either as it kinda falls apart fast. Unless toasted medium-dark in the toaster it could fall apart as you are taking it out so I really do not recommend toasting- and again this is not the best sandwich bread, it will just fall apart into fluffy goodness. This IS perfect bread for soups, and enjoying with honey or some butter fresh from the oven. 

While this is not a new recipe I will re-post the recipe for it in bread style, the rolls can be found just over here.  



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