Taking Time For Yourself

If you haven’t noticed the blog has been pretty quiet this month. There have been many times in which throughout my blogging journey there’s been a large break in posting. Mostly it’s because I’m spending more time with the family, or simply myself. Blogging had started out for me just to be a place to keep my recipes in order, then it grew into reviews, everyday life, some crafts, DIY projects, even gardening and inspiration. There is no real ” schedule” or even blueprint to how I blog, which most serious bloggers who want to make money know is a bad idea- which just isn’t me. I blog because it’s fun, and that’s the way I will keep it! 

My family comes first, and myself. When there’s a time I want to post, I post, simple as that. I want to start posting more frequently through in the coming year, though still no schedules set up, but I aim to post 3 times a week. 



The main point of all this personal ramblings is actaully to tell you all, that taking time for yourself is vital! It’s important to take time for yourself even if you feel pressure from others. If you aren’t up for something, say no. Don’t do it. Don’t force yourself to do something which could end up making you feel worse. Take your time, heal, grow, take a step forwards. Do not feel guilty for taking care of yourself. 

Self care can be anything that makes you feel comfortable and happy. Eating warm soup, listening to your favorite music, watching a movie, taking a nap, a bath, goin for a walk, or having lunch with a friend! Whatever it is that makes you happy, do it! Do it often, don’t get caught up in the chaos of life without taking time for yourself and YOUR HAPPINESS! 

So, Be Happy for You and take care of Yourself! 



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