Garden Update, Green everywhere!

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It takes a lot of planning to garden, doesn’t matter if it’s big or small really, or at least to me it’s all the same. Takes time to plan, takes the time to tend, and keep it going. Big or small, it takes dedication. This year it’s taken a little more time to plan for this year, I have since last summer been working on the “four season” garden. Which means that I am growing for a constant harvest of some sort of vegetable. So far it’s been  great, a few downfalls but I enjoy every minute of it!
  This year if all goes planned the garden will be a lot larger than  the last  few years. There’s not any more space than what we’ve used for the last six years but with the things I’ve learned over the years  along with a very well mapped out plan, I think it could work.

 My idea behind it is to continue the four season garden as well as harvest twice as much to preserve and being able to still save seeds. This means, I need twice as much plants. Last few years I have saved seeds from viable plants, but as of now my seed stock is depleted. The winter garden and planting for spring/summer garden has completely used up all of what I have. It will be that much harden to keep these going, and be able to save what I can.  It’ll be work, much more than other years. It’s exciting to me though , and it’s taken months to get it all figured out. I’ll be updating each week on it, so prepare for tons of green posts! (-:

What’s happening in the garden right now is lush salad greens , broccoli, carrots and endless bunching onions.

Green! 🙂

Planted heirloom short season tomatoes that will be ripe before the summer garden is even in full working order.

Found these Sweet 100 Tomato seedlings in the garden over the weekend. This is the second year I’ve found them growing by themselves.
Easiest thing in the world, grow green onions in a jar at the window 🙂
Anything growing in your area?



  • Nicole

    My fiance and I just bought a house at the end of December and I've always wanted to grow a garden so we dug up the sod a few weeks ago!!! I'm still not sure what I'm going to plant yet, but I should make up my mind soon!

  • SocialStudiesSoubrette

    Hooray for green stuff! I am gearing up for a little planting in the next few weeks. St. Patricks Day means that I can put out onions and lettuce. I am so looking forward to digging in the dirt!

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