Gyro Bowl – Bring on the snacks!

Four kids are messy. Actually kids are just messy to begin with but four of them makes things really messy. Snacks fly this way, that way, bowls tumble down or knock over. Half the time the mess being made is by accident, the other half well, you can figure it out.

This holiday I was delighted to be able to enjoy the Gyro Bowl!  I feel the need to do a drum roll!

Ta-Da! This bowl fell off the table a second after I took this. Guess what it did? Nothing but keep the party mix off my floor!!

The Gyro Bowl has become a instant win around here. You know the mornings or afternoons when things are just crazy as ever, you throw a snack together and need to leave right away? My kids will grab at bowls and take off running, most the time leaving their snacks flying every which way. With the Gyro Bowl, all is well in a non stop 360-degree rotation that has Moms like me thankful.

My youngest found this the most amusing, grabbing the bowl at each handle, twisting, turning, sliding, tumbling. When only two pieces fell out she announced it “Magic” I just sighed in relief. You have no idea how many times I have to pick things up , and every ounce that isn’t being dropped on the floor is success to me.

The bowl is totally kid friendly, and cute. With a locking top that the kids themselves can put on, and take off just makes it that much nicer. The bowl comes with us to the park, in the car and all around the house. My youngest daughter can carry it any how she’d like without dropping her snack all over the place, while the other kids fight over it to see who uses it next. I’ve since had to go buy 3 more one for each of them. Who knew bowls were so exciting?!

Any parent with small kids would love this bowl! My delight comes from not having to pick anything up! The kids enjoy just twirling and spinning it to “test” it out. It’s fun, simple, affordable and puts an end to most accidental knocks against a bowl of any snack. This bowl will just turn over and keep the snack in place. Have I mentioned how much I like not having to pick up most foods with this bowl? Cause I can keep saying that, or you could just go and  check out the Gyro Bowl’s website and order some yourself !

Great last minute gift if your still looking for something! Kids and adult would enjoy this, pick a few up, give them away keep some yourself! Enjoy the kid proof no spill bowl 🙂

**Disclosure- I received the product(s) mentioned above in order to write an honest review. No monetary compensation was received for this post. I did not have to write an positive review, Any and all opinions are and will always be my own.* 



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