It’s Time!!

To introduce Creative Corner!
It’s taken me awhile to get to it, but I promised to add more to the blog. First addition is Creative Corner!
The idea behind this is to share some creative ideas, and crafts for both kids and parents. I’m already working on having some wonderful creative friends of mine share some things with you in the coming months, so stay tuned!
My idea for creative fun with my kids, can be anything that gets them involved to create something. We work in the garden to plant , they love to pick the vegetables and pull weeds to keep the plants happy. We collect bugs to snails and they try to feed them. They love to help me cook, decorate cookies and of course eat them.That’s just as crafty as cutting paper or gluing some sparkles to me. If it gets the kids involved and are having fun, don’t question it, just keep doing it!
Creating and having fun is the point here. Kids have a very big imagination, so why not let them use it? I hope to share many ideas with you so keep coming back !
A couple weeks ago I came across this awesome little craft kit for kids. By Alex Toys
There’s so many of these kit boxes you can find them at and most likely any craft stores. I was lucky to find it at a yard sale, and they are so much fun!
Each kit comes with pre packed labeled supplies, for your kids .
Cute and colorful. Kids love that combination!