Lunch Box Challenge Day 20: Hissing Hummus Dip

My daughter calls hummus “hummmmmmmmmm hissssssssssss” Then she hisses like a snake for awhile and the world is forgotten. She’s entertaining for sure.
It’s day 20 in the challenge and I haven’t really focused on the small items in the lunch. While you may need a jump start on different sandwiches or salad ideas it’s also important not to forget that those little dips and dressings. The same thing everyday can be boring, so change it up!

Dont’ ever be afraid to change things up.

 My kids had been stuck on ranch dressings or ranch dip ( finely chopped vegetables in ranch dressing!)  Shhh don’t tell them! I slowly introduced some new flavors and they all love Hummus! Who knew, and even better it’s super cheap and easy to make. <— That my friends is the bonus factor.
 I’ve used it as a sandwich spread too. You can finely tune it, add more garlic, add pepper, dill play with tastes.

Named by my daughter here is Hissing Sneaky Hummus Dip

Hummus Ingredients

2 cups cooked chickpeas
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
2 garlic cloves quarter
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 cup sesame paste
1/2 cup lemon juice ( fresh)
Salt and pepper to taste

In a food processor combine everything up to the paste. Whirl until the mixture is combined. Slowly add in the lemon juice while it’s still on until the consistency is the way you like it. You may or may not use all the lemon juice so go a tablespoon or so at a time. Taste, salt and pepper to your liking.

For this lunch I used left over chicken strips, used a mixed lettuce and instead of butter used tomatoes pesto for the bread. Served with Celery to be used with the Hummus and a side of plums for the fruit.

Today’s Lunch Box Tip: It’s Friday and you remember what Friday meant way back in the day you went to school right? Test day!
Kids need encouragement throughout the day, the lunch box is the perfect place to place a quick simple word of encouragement. Wish them luck, tell them they rock, praise them for their awesome spelling skills. Make a smiley face even, the point is sneak in a word of encouragement to your kids they may need that extra little lift during the day!



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