Lunch Box Challenge Day 27: Everything but the Kitchen Sink Salad

It’s our Walk-A-Thon today!!

We are busy walking away at my kids school to raise money for school funding. It’s a blast every year, and it’s an all day event so I have to make sure my kids are super charged and energized for the walk. The thing is, during the walk they get loaded up on junk. Pizza, hot dogs, ice cream you get the drift. They do this during the “school” hours walk, way before I get there so what I do is pack them a counter active powerful lunch. What is it?

It’s a salad.

 Simple yet there’s a little bit of everything in there. My kids get a kick out of this salad because they add in which ever they want and it becomes a super personalized fun meal.

Ingredients and assembly of Lunch

 Grab a  handful of mixed choice of Lettuce, mix this up toss it around and slap it in a bowl.
Sliced some carrots nice and thin toss that in with the lettuce mixture along with sprouts and tomatoes. Don’t be skimpy on the sprouts now,  power pack this lunch.
You want some crunch, so pick some pecans or sliced almonds and sunflowers seeds. Try to avoid the croutons, that’s boring and plain we’re going for awesome here, no normal in this salad!

 ( You can have croutons I’m just kidding, just pick something crunchy)

Now for a sweet additions, dried cranberries are great or some raisins maybe. Apples and pears are also great sweet additions. Make sure you slice the fruit small and or cube it for easy eating.
If you wanted meat add that in there too, your choice!

At school the kids can toss it all around and make their own favorite personalized Salad! 
Yummy, serve this with choice of fruit and dressing. 
Today’s Lunch Box Tip:  Try to always pack with the day in mind, hot days they won’t eat much. If they have a party that day no sweets in the lunch what so ever, you know the kids are going to end up pigging out on the party foods. Field trip? Pack an energized lunch, our Walk-a-Thon event today I made sure it was something light as it’s hot but packs some energy into it. 


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