Mindfulness Everyday

It’s pretty easy these days to get lost in everyday things. Television programs, movies, social sites, games, the hustle and bustle of work, even family life. There are times when the day just ends up flying right by, or  they feel rushed. Leaving you wondering where the day went. Most the times, this feeling happens when we go about our day with blinders, or perhaps robotic . It just means we were not in thought about most things at all while doing them, and that’s the problem. Your body is going through motions, while your thoughts are somewhere else. 


Be Present In The Now

Being in the moment means simply this- your mind, body and soul are focused on what is happening that very moment, immediately around and to you. Your mind is not on a bill that has to be paid next week, it’s not on how you’ll get dinner ready later in the day, and it’s certainly not on a mistake you made two days earlier. Being in the moment, or mindfulness is keeping your thoughts focused in the Now. 

Mindfulness brings calmness to the body , you no longer feel the need to rush as you are focused on the immediate things that are actaully happening. This meditation can help ease tension, stress and even anxiety if practiced daily. 

 Try and be in the moment of whatever task it is you’re doing and think of nothing else.  Are you brushing your teeth? Focus on the motion of brushing, or the smell of the toothpaste, the sound of the water running in the sink. Are you preparing dinner? Focus on the taste, the smell, the sounds, the feel of things around you as your are completing the task. Being Present leaves no room for thinking on things that are not happening. Mindfulness also brings a huge sense of gratitude, each task has more purpose and thought behind it and thus, you become more happier. 


No matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, when you feel your thoughts have run away from you take a step back and breathe. Simply focus on breathing in, and out , then take in one sense at a time. What can you see, hear, taste, smell, or feel? By the time you have gone through your senses you have made your body and mind calm. This exercise is extremely useful for keeping anxiety at bay in the moment. 

Move Forward Mindfully

Once you have settled your mind into the present it’s important to stay there. No reason to worry about the past, take what you learned and move forwards. Don’t worry about the future, it hasn’t happened yet. Take each moment as it comes to you and live it fully. Be Grateful for Each Moment as it comes to you.  After all we only have the Now.




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