Recipe Challenge Day 28: Coconut Fig Bites

I am in love with my food processor. Got it in December and use it nearly everyday. Just like my standing mixer I never knew how much I would use it till it took place in my kitchen. Had so much fun with it and this recipe is yet another one I couldn’t do without it. If the dough gets too thick and you can’t work with it add a tablespoon of applesauce .
This is semi-no bake. By this I mean you don’t need an oven but you do need the stove. You have to cook the quinoa. Which is easy it only takes about 15 minutes. The kids loved these, I really enjoyed them too, perfect quick pick me up anytime of the day.
1 cup dried figs
1/2 cup raisins
1/4 cup shredded coconut, plus more for coating
2 tablespoons chopped almonds
1/4 cup cooked quinoa
In a food processor, pulse the figs and raisins into a thick paste. Transfer the mixture to a bowl. Add in the coconut, chopped seeds, cooked quinoa and mix together . It may be a tad sticky . Using a spoon to take tablespoons amount and roll into balls. After you finish rolling them all flatten them all and coat with extra coconut. Place in fridge for about 1 hour to set. Keep stored in the fridge.
Makes a great snack for the kids!
Valerie Remy-Milora
These look delicious! I love ALL the ingredients and look forward to testing them out on my girls!
Ronnie E.
Wow, I love how good you made them look! It takes real talent to make figs look that yummy, you know? I'm going to give this a shot bc they must be a yummy snack for sure.
I don't think I've ever had a fig! My boyfriend loves coconut though, so I'll definitely have to pass this on to him. They look delicious!
amanda ripsam
I am going to have to give it a try. I want you to bring me the ones you make mine never look as good as the photos do
Liz Mays
Those look awesome, and now I'm wondering what possessed me to think it was smart to put my food processor in storage!
April Mims
These look great and I love that they have all natural ingredients in them. And no-bake is always nice
Sarah-Louise Bailey
Oh yum they look tasty (and I never thought I would say that about something with fig in it lol) x
I've never though of using quinoa to make something sweet. This sounds like an interesting recipe.
Oh yum! I love coconut! I haven't had much interaction with figs; so I don't actually know if i like them or not. But I would definitely love to give this a try!
Anne | The Chef's Wife
I've never been a big fan of shredded coconut (texture) or figs but these look delicious for those who like these ingredients! I'll pin them to my quinoa board as many are always looking for great new quinoa recipes!
Stacey @ Cheap is the New Classy
I have to admit, I've never had a fig (except in a Newton). I love coconut and almonds, so this might be a good way for me to try them!
Jennifer Williams
I have never actually had a fig, not even sure where you would get them. I would love to try these though and will be on a hunt to find some. I need a new food processor, I think I used mine so much it just did not make it – it is 12 years old though so it did pretty good IMO.
Kristi Maloney
I love that these have quinoa in them. (extra protein!) These look delicious. Good luck with the recipe challenge!
Tough Cookie Mommy
These look so good. I love that you were able to use your food processor to make them.
Lawna Noe
We use to have a fig tree growing up, and i use to love picking figs off the tree and eating them. It's not every day that I find fig recipes, so this one is definitely worth trying. Plus, it sounds very delicious.
Masshole Mommy
I honestly don't think I have ever tried a fig- isn't that odd. I am a big fan of coconut, though
Funny, every ingredient in this recipe I am NOT a fan of, but my wife loves EVERY one of them! Guess I'll end up making them after all!
Celebrity VIP Lounge
Ok, now those look good. I LOVE coconut!