Start Where You Are

This past week in class we were learning about teaching yoga for depression and anxiety. My teacher, Deniz Aydoslu, mentioned something that got me really thinking this week.  

“Meet your students where they are at.” 

It reminded me of a quote by Arthur Ashe

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

It’s really empowering if you think about it. Don’t try and be something else, or be somewhere else or use what you don’t have , it’s an uphill battle. 

Simply be. Be in the moment . Be in the Now and be OK about it. It’s ok if you’re not feeling up to doing this or that, do what you can. That’s all that matters. Just show up in that moment and be ok with that. 

We are learning how to teach yoga classes for mental health, and showing up to the class ourselves with where we’re at is just as important as meeting students with where they are at as well. 

Think about it, if you’ve had a bad day and the yoga class you normally go to ( or even are trying for the first time) is asking you to push beyond what you normally do and you’re feeling resistance- are you going to continue? No. 

So as a teacher, it’s our job to give options, not push students beyond where they are. Offer the alternatives, offer guidance if they accept, or observe if you see need space and be OK with that. 

I think this goes for anyone on a daily basis. Just Meet people where they are and be OK with it. You don’t need to force anything, they have a journey they are on that is different than yours. Wouldn’t you want someone to meet you where you’re at? Not push, or expect you to say this, do that? 

Sometimes all that’s needed is silence, stillness and space. If showing up to yoga class is all one of my students can do on a bad day, I’ll be glad that they showed up and hope they feel good that they showed up as well. If all they can do is move their arms, or do the breathing exercises, then that’s amazing as well. Everyone needs to know it’s OK to not be OK, and showing up wherever you are, is huge. So be proud of yourself when you show up, when you take any step what so ever forwards. It’s progress. 

Be Proud of the Progress. Every Single Step. 

Thank you for tagging along with me on my 80hr Somatic Yoga for Mental Health Teacher Training course journey! 

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending -C.S. Lewis 


  • Barb

    Truly lovely advice! Great sentiment to begin the new year with!

  • Daisy

    Great advice! Getting on the path of healing is so important and it’s definitely a path rather than a quick fix!

  • Jamie

    I love this!! Sometimes even when we have a goal, we end up having to start again. It’s best to not look back and just get back on track! 🙂

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