Strawberry Jalapeno White Sangria

The blog is still going through major changes , sorry if there’s any issues happening. It’s hopefully going to be short lived. If there’s an issue though let me know asap I’ll try to fix it. 
  I’m getting the hang of all the fun stuff WordPress can do but it takes time. What new stuff am I learning? One of them happens to be recipe cards! Woo!
  Unfortunately the plugin doesn’t go back and change recipes into cards – cause well let’s face it that would be too darn easy now wouldn’t it? So any recipes from now on will be in recipe card form! You can print, you can see nutritional facts , see the servings sizes ( which yes I seem to always leave that out, but hey this prompts me to add that in! )  Can I get another Woo!?  
   I’ll slowly start converting the others, it’s a lot of work. Where’s that easy button when you need it huh? It’s worth it though, you will be able to print out the card instead of copying and pasting , it’s neat all around, so Woo! No Woo? How about a Woo for a refreshing cocktail? 

Today’s recipe is a fun twist on a Sangria. I love spicy things, so why not spice your drink up with some hot jalapenos?



  • Life as a Convert

    I do not drink, but that combination sounds lovely.

  • Megan @ C'mon Get Crafty

    It’s always a trial to revamp your site, but all the hard work will pay off and you’ll be thrilled with your efforts. 🙂

  • Babita

    ooh…. a drink with Jalapeno. My DH would love this. He likes very spicy food, so this drink would be perfect for him.

  • Chrissy Mazzocchi

    This looks so amazing and yummy, I think I need to make one for Mothers Day 🙂

  • Aisha Kristine Chong

    I never had this before but since I love the combination.. I might as well give it a try.

  • Annie M

    I love drinking sangria! I’m curious if the jalapeños gave a good kick or not 😛

  • Lisa Rios

    Strawberry is always my favorite & this looks like a yummy and delicious drink. I never tried Sangria with Jalapeno. But it sounds like a great combination. Will definitely try this for sure. Thanks for the delicious recipe.

  • Paula Schuck

    I have never tried a drink with peppers in it before. It looks delicious. I will have to give it a try.

  • Ann Bacciaglia

    This sounds like a delicious drink. It will be different with the pepper added. I will have to try it next weekend for my BBQ.

  • Pam

    What a unique combination of flavors! I think this is something I would really like to try. I love anything with strawberries in it.

  • celebbabylaundry

    The jalapeno sounds super weird, but I’m so down to trying this out; it sounds super yummy!

  • Jeanine

    This sounds really interesting! I don’t drink but, sounds like something worth giving a try just to see what its like!

  • Ourfamilyworld

    This is an interesting combination of flavors. I have to try them

  • aimee fauci

    I’ve never had anything like this. It sounds very interesting. The jalepeno scares me but I’m spicy scared!

  • Heather

    Wow! I love jalepenos. Sounds interesting – I will be trying it!

  • Ashley B.

    Sangria’s are my absolute favorite drink! I never though to add Jalapenos though- nice touch!

  • Amanda Love

    Never would have thought to put jalapeno in there but would love to try it. Thanks for the recipe.

  • Toughcookiemommy

    I love enjoying Sangria during the holidays. This recipe is right up my alley and I am definitely going to try to replicate it for Mother’s Day.

  • Robin Rue (@massholemommy)

    I like the sound of this. I want to try this!

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