Summer at the Highland Coral Beach by Kiley Dunbar

*Review By Jennifer * I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book will be available on March 27, 2020, hopefully my sanity from being sequestered will also return at that time, if not, you can enjoy a great book while stuck home. What better to do while stuck home, but download a good kindle book and curl up on the couch or in a park socially away from people and enjoy a good book?

I received this book just in time to save me from boredom! This was not my typical light and fluffy read that I normally like. This was intense!

We begin the book with Beatrice getting the results from a pregnancy test, two pink lines meaning she is pregnant! Beatrice has had a long 12 months, she lost her job, her mom from cancer and her 30s. Quite the year, if you ask me. Pregnant after three months of trying when a woman is that age is a miracle! She hadn’t even told her husband, Rich about the pregnancy and she was already ordering a Your Pregnancy; Week by Week book online, along with an overly expensive baby hat and blanket with little clouds and rainbows all over it.

We are then fast forwarded to seven months later to the middle of nowhere. Beatrice has signed up for Gaelic lessons. She was very frustrated, as apparently the online brochure guaranteed a, “warm highland welcome guarantee and a sweet summer escape”. So far, her time in Scotland has been disappointing to say the least. After denying the first room that they try to give Beatrice, she goes for the Princess room. One that is stacked with a tower of mattresses and quilts stacked one on top of the other, hence the name of the Inn. We are then taken on Beatrice’s journey through Scotland. A Scottish adventure was on her mom’s bucket list, one that never was crossed off. Beatrice reminisces about her time with Richard from the time they started dating until the altercation with her father in law. We soon find out the events that have led Beatrice to travel all the way to the Highlands for a getaway all by herself.

This is the first book that I have read by this author, but fully enjoyed this book, despite the sadness and the heaviness of this book.


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