The Super Ladies by Susan Petrone
I received this Advanced Readers Copy in exchange for an honest review,This Review is By Jennifer ,You can find her on Instagram here. Look for her upcoming guest posts on more books, events , and other fun reviews!
This book comes out on August 14th and can be purchased at Amazon at this link dp/B07DGLC5TJ/ref=dp-kindle- redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
This book is Weird science meets the moms. We begin at a science fair with Margie’s daughter Joan’s science project entitled, “Soy-Derived Phytoestrogens and Breast Cancer: Is There a Link?” As Margie and Joan are at the grocery store, they get the sprouted kind of tofu, rather than the Cleveland Tofu Company kind, which is what Joan has been using for her science project. Joan is analyzing cheek swabs for changes in the number of estrogen molecules after combining with phytoestrogen, but Margie and her two friends, Katherine and Abra’s samples are all over the place as they are analyzed. As the three women are giving their samples, there is steam rising from the Bunsen burner and the CO2 pump. Suddenly, the thing explodes with a BOOM and Margie, Katherine and Abra wake up in a confused state.The explosion ends up being one of the lead stories on the next morning. The three women go out to eat together shortly after the incident, on their way home, they witness a domestic dispute with a man screaming at a woman on the street. The man pulls a knife and it grazes Katherine, but she does not bleed and Abra intervenes without being seen. We are then taken to an incident where we are shown with Margie can do. Margie can heat things with her hands, not hot flashes after all.
We are then taken into the three women’s lives and how they deal with their new super powers and how they try to keep it a secret. It is pretty fun to see the things they dare to do to show off their super powers.They help people that they normally wouldn’t help and so much more.
This book is quite the page turner with the things these three women get into.
Make sure to check it out!
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