Vegetable Recipe Challenge- Day 3- Balsamic Vinegar Tomato Salad

A Recipe I didn’t like! It sound almost unimaginable honestly, but that’s the truth. The thing that I didn’t care for was the balsamic vinegar, it’s the reason I tried it to begin with. My tomato salads always have vinegar but it’s wine or garlic , the red is favored in this house more than anything. My kids didn’t care for the balsamic, but my husband ate it 🙂 Maybe some of you would enjoy this!


I love me some maters! 

Balsamic Vinegar Tomato Salad
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  1. 5 tomatoes of different varieties
  2. 1 large onion thinly sliced
  3. 3 tablespoons virgin olive oil
  4. 1-2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar ( start with one)
  5. Pepper to taste
  6. garlic powder to taste
  7. dried basil leaves (or fresh, whatever is on hand)
  1. Slice up washed tomatoes. Arrange along with sliced onion overlapping. Sprinkle with vinegar and oil. Sprinkle with basil, pepper and garlic powder.
It's My Side of Life




  • Rich

    Try cut up tomatoes, salt (plenty), garlic salt, olive oil, oregano (plenty) and a little water. Mix, serve at room temp. Dip Italian bread in juice. Delicious!

  • Alice

    I wonder how it would be if you used an infused olive oil like “Tuscan Herb” and an infused balsamic vinegar?? Going to give it a try.

  • Corinne

    I love tomato salads and have made this salad for years. I think the secret is to marinate the tomatoes and fresh basil in the the dressing and then add the onions. I also use red or Spanish onions and they’re not available I use green shallots (scallions) instead.

  • Jamie

    This looks delicious – pinning it to try one night! 🙂

  • E David

    Try it with White Balsamic Vinegar!

  • Anonymous

    Since it is so hot were we live, we don't generally like hot food at the evening meal. I have made this with the addition of sliced mozzarella cheese and some crisply cooked bacon crumbled over the top! Easy peasy!!

  • Anonymous

    This was really good! Compared balsamic with red wine vinegar, red wine vinegar won. Also added garbanzo beans. This will be a nice salad for summer.

  • Mark Wallace

    Hey, thanks for posting this even though you didn't care for it. Someone pinned it on Pinterest and I was scanning through for something healthy to make for a light lunch – this fit the bill perfectly. Since we actually LIKE balsamic vinegar, my wife and I both thought it was very tasty!


      Your welcome I try to share the recipes whether I like them or not and even if they failed :)I actaully have learned to like Balsamic since posting this, do a balsamic chicken and it's great!

  • My Journey With Candida

    We make this, but I use lemon juice instead of vinegar because vinegar is not good for candida.

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