Weekend Recap

Beautiful weekend, wonderful weather and smiling kids made it around perfect! Saturday was spent mostly in the dirt , planting and re-planting. My second set of beans made it into the ground. The first was eaten by a certain annoying furry critter who thinks it’s a blast to bury his peanuts in around my plants roots each and every year.
  The Bean and Pea Pole Project is halfway finished, I’m just waiting till the peas are tall enough and strong enough for outside.

 Once they are they will take up the second half of this garden bed, in which each wooden stake will have a nylon string traveling up and attaching to the pole. It’ll create a sturdy structure for both peas and beans to climb yet all in one compact area. As long as the kids stay away from it, the dogs don’t trample into it, the neighbors cat stops toying with it, and of course the squirrels, it’ll be just as I imagined it would down on paper. By the end of the week I hope to have all the plants out there and will keep you updated on it.

So far the fruits and vegetable garden this year are looking promising, minor set backs, nothing that can’t be dealt with though. The weather turned gray on us again today, but at least it was a wonderful sunny weekend, I even got some great Spring pictures of my kids which will be showed a little later for a great Mother’s Day or Father’s Day gift, stay tuned for that, you’ll love it!

 The Baroque Bath and Body Giveaway started on Saturday, if you haven’t checked it out you should. Enter for a chance to spoil yourself for Mother’s day, or spoil someone else! She also has a coupon for all my awesome readers, so now is your chance, use it up till May 8th!!

Happy Monday Everyone!



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